Extended Season

Morning: 14 degrees with a few high clouds. Can you believe it the ice fishing season has been extended to April 16th do to our late spring and that includes Moosehead Lake. I might get to go ice fishing this year! Reports from the few riders I’ve seen are the...

2 More

Morning: 28 degrees and overcast. Only 2 more days left for ice fishing on Moosehead, looks like a great day today. Riding in the area is still great. Ride Safe and Ride to the Right…Brad

Hanging On

Morning: 31 degrees, overcast with a little fine snow. Groomer operators reported the trails are still in good shape. Only 3 more days of ice fishing left and we still have plenty of bait left including smelts and nice weather ahead. Ride smart and Ride...

Groomers Out

Morning: 28 degrees and overcast. The groomers were out last night for the spring riders. It will be over soon with warmer weather coming in next week so enjoy while you can. Ride Safe and Ride to the Right…Brad   P.S. I am looking forward to getting back into...

White Again

Morning: 26 degrees and overcast. We got about 2 inches of new snow last night. We still have some great riding up here on the trails and back trailing will last even longer. I might even get out again. Ride Safe…Brad