chilly Again

Morning: 5 below with a light breeze. Riders report, heading north towards Pittston the trails are in good shape and heading south there is a little more water in the trails. The unplowed roads are in good shape also. Should have more snow on Wends. to spiff things...

Change Over

Morning: 21 degrees and windy. Not to bad on the rain but it did get to 47 degrees yesterday. It’s a mix of sleet and snow right now.  Temps will be falling all day, that should help stiffen up the trails Ride safe and stay to the right. Brad


Morning: 32 degrees and overcast. We got a little mist last night but not much, lets see what is to come. We’ll keep our fingers crossed that we get more snow or sleet then the liquid form. Always ride safe and stay to the right. Brad

A Little More

Morning: 29 degrees and light flurries. We got about 2 inches of fluff between yesterday and today. Groomers are heading out about 10 am this morning. Remember ride safe and ride to the right. Brad

The Stakes Are In

Afternoon: 21 degrees an snowing lightly. I would like to thank Jeff and Brian for the help in marking the trails across Moosehead. The green trail from Rockwood cottages to Kineo, the yellow trail from Kineo docks to Kineo and the orange connector from the green to...